Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mephisto's Child

Welcome to the new BLOODY PULP blog spot, the sleazy sister site to CROPSY'S CRYPT blog and fanzine.  Here we will dissect bloody horror comics and neo-pulp heros, villains, and anything in between.  Basically this site will focus on fiendish funnybook material not appropriate for the more cinema-centric CROPSY'S CRYPT blog, as well as display some of my shitty art.  Drawings and sketches by the ole cryptkeeper will maybe/possiblely be eventually published in the CROPSY'S CRYPT fanzine, which should roll out with a brand spanking new issue this year if all goes to plan....BWAHAAHHAHAHA!

To get your blood warmed up here is my favorite short little Skywald tale for your pleasure: