Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Putrid Picks - 2/26/14

Every Wednesday I skip like a school girl down to the local comic shop to catch the latest bloody pulp.  I figured I'd mentioned some tasty treats for you ghouls to sink your teeth into:

Empire of the Dead

We’ve known about it for over a year now, but USA Today released official details regarding George A. Romero’s upcoming zombie project with Marvel. The new series, “Empire of the Dead” continues the “Dead” universe. This time, the zombies will roam the streets of New York City. Artist Alex Maleev will be providing artwork for the entire run. The series is set to be 15-issue miniseries, debuting in January.
Romero says, “It’s a comic book, which means we don’t have to go out and shoot the stuff. You can let your imagination run wild and do pretty much anything you want, assuming it’s within the bounds of decency.”

“These zombies are starting to show sparks of real care and concern for each other,” Romero says. “I’m not going to go all the way to Omega Man where they take over the world, but I’m having a lot of fun with it. We’ve got some new rules and new characters, and we’re taking it in a completely different direction.”

“It’s basically Chicago or Detroit. The city isn’t destroyed, but it’s just running on its engine, corrupt and no holds barred. It’s a little bit like the Old West,” says Romero, a lifelong fan of comics.

“That’s what I’m talking about now. There’s hardly any morality anywhere, except of course for our heroes.”

I didn't think TOE TAGS was all that good, but I had some fun with it, and Romero on zombies always works for me, even when he isn't nailing them out of the park. It's nice to see the old fart still has something to say.

 It reminds me a lot of Land of the Dead but works better in comic form and re-invigorated my love of the genre. I can't wait to see what Zanzibar can do. Such a cool zombie name. The only thing I thought was "off" was the non-surprise at the end. The solicitations tell you vampires are in the book so it really doesn't come off as surprising when they encounter one. There are a lot of Romero-isms in the plot; heavy on social commentary, zombies getting smarter, the living being more vile and repulsive in their actions than the dead. A MUST READ for Romero zombie fans. Definitely better than his last outing.

There should be a new issue on the stands this week. I'm excited, I really loved the first issue. I like the way Romero refers to the "meat on the street", with the opening shot of a heaping piles of rats to greet us. I feel like Barnum views all life on the street as "meat" to be used and profited from. He walks amongst the zombies picking the "smart ones" and aggressive ones to fight in his arena kind of like an employer going out and picking his favorite hires; the smart and aggressive ones. There are a lot of allusions to the old world of the Roman gladiators being the same as the current one, people are still as bloodthirsty. And I believe the long shot of the coliseum with the crowd waiting outside for the gates to open was a visual allusion to zombies piling up at the gates. Anybody who has ever stood in a long line with impatient people knows the feeling of being lost in a sea of perturbed zombies.  Just a lot of context to chew on here, can't wait to rummage through the whole deal.